So it happens that I get discouraged to continue to update this blog until recently read URBs post (aka VENT) about how she blogs for herself and for no one else. It's a website that archives her favorite recipes, that other people just happen to enjoy. The passion she shows for her photography and her cooking and many other things is amazing. Sometimes it feels it is all I can do to to go to work, go to the gym and eat the wonderful dinner that casey has made. I don't have any idea how people have the energy to fill their calendars with so much. So here is our pizza. I like all sorts of weird veggies, and I don't know why we haven't made 1/2 pizzas before. Mine is no sauce, truffle oil, shrooms, onion. His is with sauce red pepper, olive oil and onion. So delicious. Nothing special to make. Boboli crust with canned sauce and sauteed veggie.

Nothing special for dessert either. Just some boxed brownies and whipped cream. woo!